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SaaS Advertising Template: Booking Demos For Your Software

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Booking Demos for SaaS

Customer Of The Week 🎉 Kim Leinan, CEO at Futureworks, an OKR management platform developed in Norway. Here’s how Kim easily produced winning Facebook and Google Ads for his SaaS, and filling up his calendar with demos.

Here’s a walkthrough of a well-structured SaaS advertising template:


Campaign Setup

Below is just a sneakpeek of Kim’s campaign setup. It included a few more ads than in the picture below. They’re written in Norwegian, but we’ve added the templates below in English.

Google Search Ad Copy Template

Headline: Free OKR Report | Ensure Ownership & Responsibility | Speed Up Growth

Description: Download 5 easy steps to ensure motivated employees and faster growth. Try it for free. Easy and hassle-free.

Site link 1: Book demo

  • Get started with goal management. Get a 30-min demo.

Sitelink 2: Try Futureworks for free

  • Speed up innovation. Try Futureworks for free here.


Facebook Ad Copy Template

Headline: [DOWNLOAD REPORT] 5 Steps To Ensure Motivated Employees


Speed up engagement, ownership and progress in your company! [DESIRED GOAL]

Download 5 easy steps to ensure motivated employees and faster growth. [OFFER]

You can download the report here: [YOUR LINK]


Target audience

Google Keywords:

Specific keywords related to their menus as well as high-level “OKR” keywords (their product name).

Facebook Audience(s):

Kim chose the biggest newspapers in Norway as interest groups. I.e. “Forbes” could be an international example.

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