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Purchasing Manager Template: Creating Brand Awareness and Booking appointments

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Purchasing Manager Ad Template

Customer Of The Week 🎉 Frode Johnsen, CEO at Innkjøpssjefen. Innkjøpssjefen is correctly translated to Purchasing Manager in english. This is a company that daily assists close to a thousand companies with good purchasing, good tips and advice on how they can achieve savings and better profitability. They simply offer the service “Purchasing Manager” in the true sense of the word. As a result of their close collaboration with SMB Norway, they negotiate supplier agreements on behalf of almost 6,000 companies. They operate in Norway and their head office is located in Bergen. They also have another department on the east coast.

Here’s how Frode easily produced winning Facebook Ads for his SaaS, and filling up his calendar with demos.


Campaign Setup

Frode’s company has specialized in helping businesses outsource their purchasing. This target audience is very specific. To successfully advertise to this group of people, Frode created a targeted campaign that contain keywords such as “logistics and purchasing”.

The Search Ads are also including these keywords in the headline, and the ads are linking to relevant landing pages that also include these topics. This way, Frode receives a high quality score from Google because the ads, landing pages and keywords are matching with each other.

He’s running Google Search Ads with 10+ headlines in the very same ad. This allows Google to automatically test what headlines are working the best;



Target audience

Google Search Ad Copy Template

Headline 1: Do you know how much you can save?

Headline 2: Are you struggling with increased costs?

Description 1:
Do you not have time to negotiate good deals? We can do it for you. We can save you a lot of money quickly. We negotiate agreements for you.

Description 2: We save your company costs, completely without risk .. Our experienced buyers negotiate and renew your purchasing agreements.

Google Keywords:

Highly-targeted keywords with 2 or more phrases.
Example: “How to negotiate the best prices”.

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